Buckeye Trail Mix

by Erin

Trail mix is delicious but have you tried an exclusively peanut butter and chocolate version? My Ohio pride is showing in this buckeye trail mix.

Buckeye Trail Mix 3

It’s the start of my favorite time of the year (at least for my blog) – #PBchocSat! Where I post a new peanut butter and chocolate recipe to cheer on my alma mater Buckeyes. To really start with a bang I enlisted some blogger friends to join me in sharing their own peanut butter and chocolate creations, which are listed right before the recipe so make sure you check them out too.

My recipe is not so much of a recipe as all you do is add a bunch of dry ingredients into a bowl and you’re done. But it’s also #NationalTrailMixDay and you know I love a good food holiday mashup so I made a Buckeye themed version complete with miniature buckeyes. I almost made them myself, but I found premade minis at a local candy store right down the street from my house and I couldn’t resist the convenience (and supporting local!). The other ingredients are peanuts, scarlet and gray M&Ms (also from the local candy store), peanut butter stuffed pretzels, and chocolate covered raisins (I had to get something slightly nutritious in there).

Buckeye Trail Mix GIF

Normally I would be posting up on the couch (or attending the game in person but alas as I am no longer an OSU employee I lost the perk of easily buying season tickets) to watch all the college football today, but instead I have been magically whisked away to Delaware (the state, not the town in Ohio which I actually visited last weekend). Long story short, originally my mom, stepdad, aunt, and uncle were going to visit this weekend but my mom had 4 mini strokes and they also took her off her main bipolar medication so we are going there instead for obvious reasons.

Happy #PBchocSat! Satisfy your peanut butter and chocolate cravings by checking out all the recipes we made:

One year ago: Tropical Granola Chocolate Bark

Two years ago: Bacon Buckeyes

Three years ago: Bourbon, Bacon, and Maple Mini Cheesecakes

Four years ago: No-Bake Chocolate Hazelnut Pie

Six years ago: Marble Malt Cake with Peanut Butter Malt Frosting

Eight years ago: Stone Fruit Hand Pies


Makes 7 cups, serves 14


2 cups roasted peanuts

1 cup miniature buckeye candies (homemade or store bought)

1 cup gray candy coated chocolate (such as M&Ms)

1 cup red candy coated chocolate (such as M&Ms)

1 cup peanut butter stuffed pretzels

1 cup chocolate covered raisins


  1. In a large bowl, mix all ingredients together until distributes.
  2. Store in an airtight container until ready to serve or separate into baggies for individual 1/2 cup portions.

Source: The Spiffy Cookie original

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Classic Peanut Butter Chocolate-Filled Cookies January 20, 2025 - 2:23 pm

[…] Buckeye Trail Mix by The Spiffy Cookie […]

Colleen - Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck September 1, 2019 - 8:43 am

I might have to try this with Mini Reese’s Cups…B.O.B. Bob’s favorite! He’d be over the moon!!!

spiffycookie September 3, 2019 - 7:44 am

Totally can make them with mini peanut butter cups!

J August 31, 2019 - 4:40 pm

I will be praying hard for your Mom that she gets better Erin.

I’ve been praying for my Mom bc she fell 3 times within 12 hrs and I was just told last night that she has a weak heart! I’ll be baking her fav cookies to bring to her tomorrow, when I visit both my parents!

I love buckeye anything bc chocolate and peanut butter, need I say more! ????

spiffycookie September 3, 2019 - 7:47 am

I hope your mom is okay!

Susan August 31, 2019 - 11:24 am

I am so sorry to hear about your mom – I hope she recovers quickly and is okay. And I hope you have a good visit. I will probably dream about trail mix now…

spiffycookie September 3, 2019 - 7:47 am

Thanks Susan. And those sound like tasty dreams.

Wendy Klik August 31, 2019 - 9:48 am

Praying for your mom. Take here some of this trail mix, it is sure to make her feel better. Hang in there Erin.

spiffycookie September 3, 2019 - 7:48 am

Thanks Wendy. I wish I could have, but we couldn’t bring anything in with us.


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